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I love the concept. A few things though. The most pressing of which is that when you’re badly affected by hunger or thirst, that action takes precedence over searching, making it impossible to search a house in some circumstances. Second, I’d like a way to tell how much of each given resource I have.

Also, the game seemed to go on longer than five minutes, and for some reason, I would become fully revitalized without knowing how it happened. Eventually I stopped playing because I wasn’t really sure what was going on any more or how close I was to getting out.

It would definitely help clarify what’s being picked up by putting in better sounds, though I laughed the entire time I was playing at how the game sounds now. Hilarious and fun.


Thanks for playing and commenting. 

Hunger, thirst, searching and all modes shouldn't overlap. In theory. I do have a bit of a timing issue where you're hearing a sound cue of a state that's ended and causes the problem you mention. I have found a way to solve that and it should be fixed for the next build.

There's a problem at the end of the game where the game sometimes doesn't give the sound cue and pause that mark the game over. So you're unknowingly clicking to restart the game. I plan to fix that with... solutions... that I will find... soon.

Additionally, the soundscape will have some clear landmarks that will signal both the time and distance remaining.  So that confusion that won't happen because solutions, would also be impossible as you'd know the difference between start and end of the road. And yeah, sound cues should be a lot better than me saying *gasp* XD

Now about knowing how much of each resource you have, that was the original intention. I'm a compulsive inventory checker in all games. That said, I'm loving the idea of this being a one-button game and the resources are so few that they should be possible to track in the mind (except that I clearly can't). I'm still thinking about this one.

Glad to hear you had fun and some laughs. Still plenty of room and time for improvements so stay tuned. Thanks again. :)